Finn-ID Oy Odoon versio 15.0+e
Tietoa kohteesta Finn-ID Oy Odoosta, Avoimen lähdekoodin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä (ERP).
Asennetut ohjelmistot
- Myynti
- Tarjouksista laskuiksi
- Laskutus
- Laskut ja maksut
- Verkkosivu
- Enterprise website builder
- Varasto
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Kirjanpito
- Manage financial and analytic accounting
- Ostot
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- Projektit
- Organize and plan your projects
- Verkkokauppa
- Sell your products online
- Valmistus
- Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
- Tuntikortit
- Track employee time on tasks
- Menot
- Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
- Studio
- Create and customize your Odoo apps
- Dokumentit
- Dokumenttien hallinta
- Työntekijät
- Centralize employee information
- External supplier
- MIS Builder
- Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
- Import Pricelist
- Import Sales Pricelist Import Vendor Pricelist Import Price List Import Pricelist from Excel Import Pricelist from CSV Import Bulk Pricelist Import Pricelist XLS pricelist from XLSX import multiple pricelist lines import product pricelists Odoo
- Import Product Variant from CSV/Excel file - Advance
- Import Product Variant From CSV Import Product Variant Excel Import Product Variant XLS Import Product Variant From XLSX Product Variant From Excel Product Variant CSV Import Product Variants E Commerce import variant import variants Odoo
- Merge Purchase Orders
- merge po app, combine rfq module, merge request for quotation, append purchase order, merge RFQ, merge request for quotation, purchase order merge odoo
- Popup Message
- create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
- Sprintit Last Message Sender
- Sprintit Last Message Sender
- Asiakaspalvelu
- Track, prioritize, and solve customer tickets
- Tilaukset
- Generate recurring invoices and manage renewals
- Verkko-oppiminen
- Alusta verkko-oppimisen hallintaan ja julkaisuihin
- Viestintä
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Yhteystiedot
- Centralize your address book
- Rental
- Manage rental contracts, deliveries and returns
- Field Service
- Schedule and track onsite operations, time and material
- Blogit
- Publish blog posts, announces, news
- Työpöydät
- Build your own dashboards
- Korjaukset
- Repair damaged products
- Läsnäolot
- Track employee attendance
- Viivakoodi
- Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
- Skills Management
- Manage skills, knowledge and resumé of your employees
- Paypal maksun vastaanottaja
- Maksun vastaanotto: Paypal implementointi
- Stripe Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer: Stripe Implementation